Monday, September 16, 2019

Call for Papers for pacificREVIEW 2020 - OPEN NOW!


Despite our constant unraveling, humans are bound to each other and are continually
finding ways of becoming entangled with one another. Our platonic, romantic, and
paternal bonds of love cause us to belong to each other. This fierce intimacy has the
potential to stretch physical, emotional, and spiritual boundaries.

How do humans currently become entangled with each other? How do we love each other?
Hate each other? Cooperate with one another? What connections are condemned and
stigmatized? Should they be? How do our shared experiences enhance our individual

Join us in our celebration and exploration of the ties that bind us together. We invite you to
share about your experience with human bonds and contribute to the pacificREVIEW
2020 issue: synchronous.

Submissions will be accepted until December 20, 2019.

Submission Considerations: Submission Considerations: pacificREVIEW considers previously unpublished work. You may submit up to a total of three pieces of work from any genre for consideration in this edition. When submitting content, we highly recommend that you include a statement regarding how your work responds to the edition theme.  

 · Fiction and Creative Nonfiction: Limit 4,500 words, double spaced, attached as a Microsoft Word Document. Short stories and flash fiction are also encouraged. 
 · Poetry: Please limit your poems to no more than 2 typed pages, attached as a Microsoft Word Document.
 · Photographs/drawings/artwork: Please submit as a high resolution (300 dpi) greyscale or black and white PDF. 
 · Graphic Narrative: Please in a high resolution (300 dpi) greyscale or black and white PDF. Panels must fit on two pages.

Submit electronically here


Snail mail subs can be addressed to:

Emily Buckley, Miles Reyes Head Editrixes
pacific REVIEW
Dept. of English and Comparative Literature
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Dr. | MC6020
San Diego, CA

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