pacificREVIEW, a West Coast Arts Review Literary Annual published by San Diego State University students in conjunction with San Diego State University Press, is currently accepting submissions for the 2010-2011 issue entitled “Revolt.”
In this turbulent time, one can’t help but hear those buzz words over and over again . . . “economic crisis,” “recession,” “Paris Hilton stock index” . . . At pacificREVIEW, we are well aware of the plight of the “little people,” those who just can’t seem to cut a break in this Comfortable-American-eats-the-economically-smaller-American world. Low-wage makers are forced to suffer through-- and are expected to receive-- piteous means for laborious efforts. But who says we have to put up with this? pacificREVIEW says REVOLT. We want to hear about your fight against it all, physically, spiritually, morally or any other______ly you can provide! We’re eagerly accepting submissions of short fiction/flash fiction, poetry, graphic narrative, photography, and creative nonfiction focusing on this theme. Written submissions must be 3,000 words or less. The submission deadline is 01.01.11.
Please direct any questions to pacificreview_sdsu@yahoo.com
Submissions will be accepted in hard copy only.
Send to:
pacific REVIEW
Dept. of English and Comparative Literature
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Dr. | MC6020
San Diego, CA
Simultaneous submissions will not be accepted.
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